On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Bruce Dawson <j...@codemeta.com> wrote:

> Thanks for replying Thomas!
> Basically, I need to store the time (to the sub-nanosecond) on the first
> serial interrupt. (Don't need it for every byte, just the first in a
> stream.)
> I'm not really interested in speeding up the UART code or serial
> transfer; I just need to know *exactly* when the first byte comes in (or
> goes out).

  Oh, in that case, it's much easier.  The UART drivers allow for 'sub

  I actually had an example I used for such a thing bookmarked:


  I don't know if you'll find it helpfull, but it's a functioning example
which is relatively strait forward.
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