On 11/14/2015 04:07 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen wrote:
Bruce Labitt <bruce.lab...@myfairpoint.net> wrote:
Pardon my denseness (density?), but what you have shown is still
confusing to me.

ln -s thing-I-want-a-symlink-to where-I-want-to-put-it  <-- I don't
understand this :(

In my case, I want any reference to cc to point to
/opt/compiler_cuda/gcc.  It turns out /opt/compiler_cuda/gcc will be a
symlink as well.  Eventually the cc reference will end up pointing to
gcc-4.9, since CUDA7.5 does not support gcc5.

Is it
1)  ln -s cc /opt/compiler_cuda/gcc      or
2)  ln -s /opt/compiler_cuda/gcc cc

Which one does what I want?  Seriously confused.
I suspect you don't quite want either of those, actually.

It sounds a little like you're expecting "ln -s" to create a shell
command-alias or something (you never said *what directory* you want
to contain the "cc" symlink, but that's important!). It just creates a file.
In order for that file to be recognised as a command, you need to put it
in one of the directories that the shell searches ($PATH).

IF you want to used a symlink to create a "cc" command, you probably want

         ln -s /opt/compiler_cuda/gcc /usr/local/bin/cc

... or:

         ln -s /opt/compiler_cuda/gcc ~/bin/cc

... depending on whether you're doing this for a system-wide default
or just for yourself. But I'm surprised that you're trying to do it
this way at all.

I usually just do something more like:

         export CC=/opt/compiler_cuda/gcc

... and then let the makefiles pick up that environment-variable.
Even if your Makefile is using implicit rules, it'll still pick up
and use the ${CC} value from your environment.

Are you actually using a Makefile or something that actually,
*explicitly*, has "cc" hardcoded rather than using "${CC}"?

I'd expect that you don't actually want to make a CUDA compiler
the default compiler for *all software* you build,
which is probably what you'll do by naming it "cc"
and putting it into your search-path....

Original link: from http://askubuntu.com/questions/693145/installing-cuda-7-5-toolkit-on-ubuntu-15-10

/I wanna share my experience on installing CUDA 7.5 (in order to use with Theano) on Ubuntu 15.10. /



   /I installed Ubuntu 15.10 and the video driver (352.41) from the
   "Additional Drivers" tab;/


   /Installed few dependencies like //|nvidia-modprobe|//(fix
   permissions problems), and for the samples compiling
   //|freeglut3-dev libx11-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev libglu1-mesa-dev|/


   /And because it needs GCC 4.9: //|sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9
   g++-4.9|//, then made symlinks in //|/opt/compiler_cuda|//(created
   the folder with an arbitrary name of my choice) as follows://
   / /|$ ls -la /opt/compiler_cuda/|//
   / /|lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Nov 2 16:14 cc ->
   / /|lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Nov 2 16:13 g++ -> /usr/bin/g++-4.9|//
   / /|lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Nov 2 16:12 gcc -> /usr/bin/gcc-4.9|//
   //Registered //|update-alternatives|//with://
   / /|sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc
   /usr/bin/gcc-5 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-5|//
   / /|sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc
   /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 50 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9|//


   /Downloaded "runfile (local)" 15.04 version, from //CUDA 7.5
   Downloads <https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads>//; and
   installed with://
   / /|sudo sh cuda_7.5.18_linux.run --silent --toolkit --override|//
   / /|sudo sh cuda_7.5.18_linux.run --silent --samples --override|//
   //and appended in //|.bash_aliases|//(.bashrc reads it)://
   / /|export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-7.5/bin:$PATH|//
   / /|export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-7.5/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH|/


   /Appended //|compiler-bindir = /opt/compiler_cuda|//in
   //|nvcc.profile|//, so nvcc can use it./

I'm trying to do step 3. I have seen similar instructions in the past. I may have done something like this in the past, but, I am temporarily suffering from CRS. I believe this will work, although as you have stated, it may not be optimal. For Wily Ubuntu 15.10, the default gcc is 5.2. Nvidia is stuck at 4.9, hence the update alternatives command in step 3.

Is there any reason step 3) won't work?

To make the symlink |cc -> /opt/compiler_cuda/gcc, what is the command?

Does *ln -s /usr/bin/cc /opt/compiler_cuda/gcc* do what the author states above? Or do I have it backwards? Let's just say this is a dyslexic moment. Please confirm if this makes sense, or I should be doing something else.

As far as I know, nvcc has the smarts to use nvcc to compile cuda code, and gcc/g++ for everything else.

Best regards

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