On 12/23/2015 11:24 AM, Kenny Lussier wrote:
> Hi All,
> My daughter has expressed an interest in learning to code. It's a
> non-specific, very general interest. She doesn't have a specific area
> of interest that she wants to learn (UI, game development, HPC,
> etc.), she just want to learn how to code.
> What do people think is the best language for a 12yr old to learn?
> What is most flexible to use for different purposes? What tools are
> out there to teach a kid to code? Code Academy and the like seem to
> be a little dry and never yielded wonderful results for most of the
> adults I know, so other ideas would be welcome.

I saw a note from someone about this one ("HolyC") on GNU social the other day:


It has a certain appeal to it, actually. It sort-of reminds me of
some of the programming environments I was exposed to as a kid,
and ones that I've heard other people recall fondly from their larval stages.

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."
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