On Mon, Jan 06, 2020 at 10:44:13PM -0500, R. Anthony Lomartire wrote:
> So I recently landed a job working in COBOL on HP-UX. It's been a trip!
> This stuff is from before my time but it's been really interesting to
> learn. Have any of you folks worked with this stuff? We're looking to
> migrate away eventually, maybe anyone with experience there? I'd love to
> hear any stories about COBOL or old enterprise mainframe applications
> you've worked with. We're probably going to be hiring soon too if anyone
> would be interested in a similar gig. :)

I was unable to avoid working in COBOL entirely. I try not to remember.
Still.. way back when (in the before time, in the long-long ago) one of
my co-employees at a contract shop I worked for was a big COBOL fan,
even though he was young (just out of high school as I recall) and COBOL
was passe even then. He wrote an assembler using it. And several games
including, I think, Conway's game of life (*).

Not much of a story, I know.


(*)which can be written in anything, I suppose, even TECO.
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