On 2020-02-24 14:57, Ben Scott wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 10:00 AM Ken D'Ambrosio <k...@jots.org> wrote:

>   Everyone was so devastated by your inability to attend, they all
> left after learning of the news.

The price of fame.

>> Should we consider getting together again on a regular
>> (probably quarterly) basis, maybe with an actual agenda, etc.?
>   My personal opinion (and not that of any other person, organization,
> or entity) has long been that regular meetings should come before
> formal meetings.

I'm somewhere in the middle: I've been to the Chelmsford Linux meetup, 
and they're nice people, etc., etc., but they never seem to actually 
have anything to talk about.  Now, I don't want to scare people away 
with a desire for formality, but on the flipside, we're getting together 
"because Linux" and it might be nice to be able to have a way to further 

>   So I would suggest picking a date and recurrence interval and
> getting that going.


>   Perhaps at the next meeting, the question of topics of interest
> could be the discussed.  (See?  Already the synthesis occurs.)


>   One concern I do have is: It is often difficult to hear and be heard
> in a restaurant venue.  It certainly was the other night.  At the same
> time, it seems like food and drink are an appealing aspect for many.

Second, third and fourthed.  I'm all ears.  I might have a local locale 
(sorry) that fits the bill for food and a quiet room, but am not sure.  
I admit I'd prefer to have the two combined -- I liked the old GNHLUG 
meetings, but it was (if you will) Very Formal when we left Martha's 
proper and headed upstairs.  I'd love to combine food with the ability 
to discuss stuff.  Hmmm... we *did* have that Icinga/IPv6 discussion 
somewhere in Manchester, and that seemed to work.

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