On 6/23/20 2:58 PM, Dan Garthwaite wrote:
> I just saw on hacker news that this project has some legs and I signed up as 
> a $5 sponsor.
> https://github.com/sponsors/gitclear
> It's just one of those things standing in the way of widespread linux 
> adoption.  I'm a lifelong vim user, don't even own a mouse, and for me the 
> lack of multitouch gestures are galling.

What specifically does "multitouch" or "multitouch gesters" mean in this 

I've only skimmed through that series of articles/comments, but it looks like 
that term that people
*use* repeatedly but never bother to define or explain.

Does it mean something like... "pinch-zooming + 3-finger-slide to go 
back/forward in web-browsers"?
Or is it something like "2-finger tap for right-click"? (because apparently the 
author thinks
that functionality doesn't exist with synaptics, referring to some
"need to click in the bottom right corner to effect a right click"?)
Some combination of all of those things?

(I'm not asking from the perspective of ignorance/oblivion; I've been using a 
TouchStream for almost 20 years,
  and watching as various touch technologies, techniques, UIs, and featuresets 
have gone in and out of fashion
  in that time..., so when I say "what do you mean by `multitouch'?", it's 
because I just can't guess anymore at
  which particular tiny subset of multitouch functionality people think they're 
clever or exalted for knowing about...).

Also..., I really don't get this "if only we could make it as good as Mac OS!" 
angles. At all--really;
someone explain it to me? This is going to sound like indignation..., and maybe 
it is?
I think it's actually just remembering frustration, and getting cynical after 
too many years of "splaining"...:

It's been maybe 5 years since I actually tried to use Mac OS..., but I remember 
being blown over by how so much in Mac OS just felt like "cheap and chintzy"--
in a lot of ways, but specifically *including the touchpad input*.

This was relative to the synaptics Xorg driver at the time--if libinput even 
existed, I didn't have it yet..., though now that
everything seems to be moving to libinput and dropping support for synaptics, 
touchpad support on Linux systems does seem
to finally be getting bad enough to be comparable with what I remember from Mac 

IIRC Mac OS had no support for *any* of...:

        * circular scrolling?
        * locked drags?
        * edge motion?
        * pressure-sensitive pointer speed?

Does it have any of those today? A quick websearch turns up stuff like this:


... which seems to indicate that there's actually not even a way to 
secondary-click-and-drag in Mac OS?

Whaaat? And I'm guessing the whole idea of "middle-drag" is just complete 
crazytalk to Mac users?

Though..., I don't know--most of the reason I care about secondary and tertiary 
is for window-management, which which was another whole chapter of the
"you have got to be kidding me where are my affordances" saga...; if I could 
accept the
overall lack of window-management affordances, I guess maybe I wouldn't notice
the little thing being missing?

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