So..., pandemic. That's still a thing, and school is about to start up.

I hear a lot of schools have decided to make everyone use Zoom,
whether they're at school or remote. That's apparently what's happening at my 
kid's school.

If you haven't heard..., Zoom has turned out to be a complete privacy- and 
(the set of links out from the Wikipedia article is not even exhaustive, but 
holy crap).
Though I suspect that most of the people on this list know all about it.

How are you dealing with it?

We've been trying to talk to our school's administration ever since they sent 
out an e-mail
telling everyone to `expect to use a video-conferencing tool like Google Meet 
or Zoom'),
and finally managed to get a meeting with... the Assistant Principal (who 
honestly is great, but powerless),
and at this point have basically got a response of "wish you'd raised the issue 
earlier, but we already bought Zoom"
(which might not be _as_ frustrating if we hadn't actually first raised this 
issue back in _March_...).

NH does make it fairly straightforward to just give up and homeschool if it 
comes to that...,
but must it really come to that?

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