Guys & Gals, sorry for the elementary question.

I have cloned a project that I am interested.  Along the way, I fiddled 
with setting, mostly debug, but none of my changes are important.  I've 
built the project and am using it.  I'd like to re download it from the 
repo again, abandoning any changes that I have made.  A different person 
has merged some changes and I want to try them.

What is the best way to accomplish this?  My head spins with all the 
pushing and pulling.  For some reason I am loath to nuke everything and 
start over again.  Is there a slightly more graceful way to do this in 
git without nuking?

github's man area is not illuminating, instead they talk about all sorts 
of corner case things rather than something this basic.

Thanks all.

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