[Don't have a lot of time, so short and blunt]

Membership - suggest two types of members:

        o voting [with all the responsibilities that go with it]
        o associative [allows membership to mailing lists, meeting attendance]

both require registration, so you can take it away also (for bad conduct).

Meetings can still be "open to anyone" (which takes care of visitors, new
members, walk-ins, etc.) but to get on the announcement list you need to
"join", which means you agree to certain rules, etc.

I personally like the concept of the "Linux Daemons", and think that it would
look real good on the back of a leather motorcycle jacket with a stylized
version of Tux riding a Hawg, with the outline of our state in the background.

Linux vs Open Source:

I agree with Bruce.  We need to focus.  It is O.K. to talk about Open Source
projects, and even the other systems for comparison, but we need to stay
focused on Linux.

See you tonight.

Gnhlug-org mailing list

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