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Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 09:46:19 -0400
From: Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Benjamin Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Emergency switchover of the web site

Benjamin Scott wrote:

On Sep 23 at 8:40pm, Bruce Dawson wrote:

As a result, it looks different. But all the content and I believe all of the users have been migrated.

Crap. Methinks something got borked. :-(

Looking at <http://www.gnhlug.org>: It looks like some style sheets got lost along the way, leaving things unformatted and in the wrong spots. Most or all of the "internal" links appear to 404. That includes the Edit links. The bad URLs specify a host of "wiki3" but have "twiki2" in the path; I'm not sure if that's relevant.

<http://wiki.gnhlug.org> appears to have the same problem.

Pulling up <http://wiki3.gnhlug.org/> results in a 404 error for the / path.

Tried clearing my cache, browser restart, different browser; same results.

I'll swear that it looked OK after making the switch! Urp. Looks like the ole "one last change" after testing things. Its fixed now. (I had mv'ed the new directory (twiki3) to the old directory (twiki2) to expedite the change, but then I had to change a lot of configuration parameters).

rogue and hive are both refusing my SSH attempts. Not that I'm sure I'd be able to do much good, anyway. :-(

Use port 8022. (I have the following in my ~/.ssh/config:
Host rogue.codemeta.com
Port 8022

Host hive.codemeta.com
Port 8022

Sorry for the short notice ... it looked sufficiently bad to take everything down all at once.

's'okay, Bruce. These things happen, and we're all aware that you've got a job and life outside of taking care of GNHLUG's Internet presence. If there's anything I can do to help, you know how to get ahold of me.

Well, I owe a debt of gratitude to you for at least telling me there was a problem!
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