On 8/7/07, Bill Sconce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This is just as an aid to organizing, not for any "official record".
> (It *is* an official record, BTW.)

  I was referring to this particular application of your notes, not in
general.  In other words, an unofficial version can be used for
organization/preparation purposes, independent of the official minutes
(which, IIRC, have to be ratified at the next meeting).  A "beta
version", if you like.  :)  But this is even better...

> Comments are welcome and encouraged.

  A clarification and an addition:

  Page 2, line "Ben requested permission to go to MV Communications
and...".  I can expand upon the FIXME there:

  What I want to do is formally inform MV that GNHLUG, a NH non-profit
corporation, is now the legal owner-operator of the server.  Right
now, it's in the name of Bruce Dawson or CodeMeta.  I would give the
"C/O Ted Roche" address as the administrative contact for GNHLUG, and
my own as the technical contact.

  This would be good for all parties.  It establishes clear rights for
GNHLUG.  It would help enable a GNHLUG designee to be given access to
the colo facility for hands-on work.  It would be one less thing
Bruce/CodeMeta has to worry about.  It would give MV a clear idea of
who to blame for any problems due to the server.  It would pave the
way for better acknowledgment of MV's contribution to GNHLUG by both

  Addition: At the meeting, I stated, for the record, that I obtained
the server by barter, from a friend of a friend.  I understand he
picked it up at a "dot com" liquidation sale -- the type where
equipment is sold off in lots by auction.  So the purchase trail for
the unit before me is a bit murky, although I'm quite confident it is
completely legal.

> Best offer I've had all week.  Thanks!

  Thank *you* for getting back to be quickly, and with fairly
professionally presented minutes, too.  (I would have been happy with
a dump of an edit buffer.  :)  )

  I'll get it uploaded as soon as I figure out why TWiki uploads
aren't working....  ~sigh~  Failing that, I'll cut-and-paste the text
for quick reference.

-- Ben
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