On 10/18/07, Bill Sconce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My notes are in an engineering notebook written by hand ...

  *Oh.*  For some reason, I thought you were keeping them on a laptop.  My bad.

> I do not see how anyone can "help" with decoding handwritten
> notes.  OK. How about you transcribe them?  I live in Lyndeborough,
> and I have directions available with GPS coordinates.  :)

  I know you were kidding, but I'm willing to put my money where my
mouth is.  Possible ideas:

  (1) If you have a scanner, scan them and send the images to me.
  (2) Will you be at the meeting tonight?  Bring them and I'll make
photocopies while you're there.
  (3) Any way I can pick them up after the meeting, circa 10 to 11 PM?

> contemporaneously, as primary minutes *should* be.

  Total agreement on the "contemporaneously" part.  Disagree with the
idea that any and all minutes must be hand-written.  It's the 21st
century.  Even Congress does things electronically now.  That said, if
the best way for *you* to keep notes is on paper, that's obviously the
way you should be doing it.

> Want to be secretary?

  If someone else wants to be treasurer.  (Somebody else told me we
can't have one person holding more than one office.)

>> Given the nature of FOSS, I find this almost painfully ironic.
> I don't get the connection.

  The "I have to do everything myself and not involve others" phenomenon.

> Getting people to volunteer is difficult in the proprietary world, too.

  Volunteers we have.  I see a lack of people making use of them.  I
frequently practically have to pull teeth to get others to accept
help.  We've had people threaten to quit because of other people doing
things.  So I honestly say:  What.  The.  Fuck?

>>   Which reminds me: I *still* need to call the bank.  :-(
> Q.E.D.

  The damn banks are all closed whenever I call them.  :-(  In all
honesty, I'd have an easier time transcribing notes.  I can do that at
2 AM.

  Speaking of which, I gotta run again... damn...

-- Ben
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