On Nov 8, 2007 7:19 AM, David J Berube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sure. I'm assuming there's no Ruby, so I'll have to write it in Perl or
> Python or something.

  Thanks to the beauty of YUM, Ruby 1.8.1 is now installed on liberty.  :)

  Python 2.3.4 is also present.  It appears, however, that
BeautifulSoup is not.  Nor can I find it in the rpmforge repository.
Nor on CentOS 5.  You might have to do whatever Python's equivalent of
a local build/install is for that.

> Not sure what output format is good; probably straight HTML, unless I
> can find an easy way to post it to the TWiki.

  I'd go with HTML or even plain text.  Like I said, the plan is for
TWiki to go away, so that's a bad choice (MediaWiki uses a different
syntax for tables).  You can place your output somewhere under
/sites/gnhlug/main/static/ (root for http://www.gnhlug.org/) and we
can link to it from anything.

-- Ben
gnhlug-org mailing list

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