Proposed: GNHLUG Board of Directors Meeting, Saturday, October 3rd
(first weekend in Oct).  Time TBD, pending responses from others.
We're required to have two of these a year, and this will be our first
for 2009.

  The  following people are Directors:

Jon Anderson Hall
Heather A Brodeur
Benjamin Scott (can attend)
William J Sconce
Ted Roche (can attend)
Shawn K. O'Shea
Michael Kazin

  If you're on that list, please indicate whether you can attend on
that date or not.  If not, please suggest alternatives.

  If you're on that list and would rather not be, please let us all
know.  I think we all understand that the demands of Real Life change
on a whim, and GNHLUG has never been about pressuring anyone to do

  Thank you!

-- Ben
gnhlug-org mailing list

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