> I know that everyone is jazzed about Debian, but I'm a little
> concerned about the install.

   Ben isn't jazzed. :-)

   Seriously, the install isn't that bad -- as long as you don't expect to
have everything working perfectly in an hour or so.  Debian requires some
tweaking and playing to get everything right. (FWIW, Debian developers are
presently working on a hardware-detecting, all-singing, all-dancing new
install which even has <gasp!> a GUI install mode too.)

   What I'd suggest is to run -- don't walk -- to <http://www.stormix.com>
and download a copy of the Storm Linux *.ISO file and burn that to a CD.

   Storm Linux is *.deb based (it's so compatible with Debian that you can
upgrade a Storm Linux install to a complete Debian system with absolutely
no remnants left of Storm), and so you get the benefits of apt-get and the
*.deb packaging systems.  Plus, Storm has a really slick install that
rivals any Linux distro out there.

 Regards,                | Need some help with Debian GNU/Linux?
 .                       |
 Randy                   | Look no further than <http://debianhelp.org>

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