----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Lowell Bruce McCulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Greater NH Linux Users' Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: Backing talk with action? (was: Re: News from the Mouth front)

> Lowell Bruce McCulley wrote:
> >
> > Ok, we talk about the benefits of open source and want to get sites in
> > the governmental sector, is anyone willing to back talk with action?

Yes.   I think this is an important function of a LUG.  However, I also
believe we need to be realistic about what this means.  If we help set up a
system, then we must be prepared to support that system.  That is the way
the world works.  At LinuxWorld this year, the education/school group made a
point of saying if you help a school set up a Linux system, then you must be
there for them when issues arise.  If the system is low maintenance as
promised, the help needed will be low.  But the main point being, you simply
cannot set it up and walk away.

> > Specifically, I would like to know if there would be anyone who would be
> > willing to commit to spend a few volunteer hours helping to configure
> > and administer a Linux box running a list server, or even better some
> > cutting edge open source groupware apps?

Others on the list are much more technically skilled than I, but I would be
happy to help
set up Linux boxes for non-profit/school/governmental units.  I could not do
it in an hour, but I could set up a Samba server, Apache, Mailman list, and
a few MySQL/PHP off the shelf apps without to much trouble. In otherwords, a
decent network infrastructure for an entity. I think we should consider what
distro would be used, how the set up would be documented,etc. in order for
others to be able to step in and know what was going on.  Personally, I
would go with Debian for easy updating and stability of the basic services
we are talking about.  If the issue were desktop machines, then another
distro might make more sense.

Who, what, when, and where?  Of course we need to first think about how and
Perhaps the experience on the active Monad. LUG will show the way given
their activities with schools.
Perhaps this needs its own Twiki....

Ed Lawson

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