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At some point hitherto, Kevin D. Clark hath spake thusly:
> > it appears to be S26ypxfrd and ypserv also says S26ypserv. Does anyone
> > know if this is okay or should ypxfrd start later than it is.
> Well if ypxfrd should start after ypserv (I'm going by your quote
> above), then I would recommend that you rename S26ypxfrd to S27ypxfrd,
> since typically init executes scripts in /etc/rc.d/*/ with the same
> "number" in a "deterministic but unspecified" order.

That isn't quite true.  The order is specified.  The services are
started by /etc/rc.d/rc which starts them in a loop, using this

  for i in /etc/rc$runlevel.d/S*; do

This will result in the services being started in ascii-betical order
if your internationalization environment variables are all unset, or
in the order specified by LC_COLLATE if it is set, or by LANG if it is
set and LC_COLLATE isn't.

Since the names of those files are all S[:digit:][:digit:]servicename
where servicename is all lowercase English alphabetic characters, the
files will always start in the order specified by the digits, then by
the alphabetical order of the service name.  The only possible
exception to that is if you're using a language whose alphabet sorts
the subset of itself which is the English alphabet in a different
order than the English alphabet does.  

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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