On Sun, 2002-03-31 at 20:17, Karl J. Runge wrote:

> Does anyone have a rough idea on how the RSA and DH algorithm scale
> with key size in their day to day usage? (initial key generation and
> key usage)  I'd guess it's some small power of the number of bits...
> I'm not talking about the cracking algorithms, just the base
> algorithm.

I'm not quite sure of the actual scaling capabilities, but I know you
can create fairly large keys (10240-20480 bits) for use with many VPN's.
FreeS/WAN, in particular, in shared-key mode will use these large keys,
both public and private, for the initial authentication and
initialization of a tunnel. 
> I've always wanted to jack the key sizes under my control (ssh + pgp)
> to, oh say, 10,000 bits if I could.  I've never mentioned that desire
> in public from fear of retribution :-)  I personally have no problem 
> adding a few seconds to each ssh and pgp usage.

The algorithms themselves are perfectly capable of large keys. However,
the application may be limited as to the size that it will accept. Then
again, if you have the source, I suppose you can change that, too ;-)


"Tact is just *not* saying true stuff" -- Cordelia Chase

Kenneth E. Lussier
Sr. Systems Administrator
Zuken, USA

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