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At some point hitherto, [EMAIL PROTECTED] hath spake thusly:
> > It is unacceptable to have to do an xrdb -load on a resource file at startup.
> It may be unacceptable, but I've been doing this for years.  It's the
> only way I can guarantee that I'll get *my* resources in a 
> heterogeneous environment!

No, it isn't, barring bugs.  The "correct" way to do this is to save
your resources in .Xdefaults if you use startx to start your X
session, and .Xresources if your system uses a display manager.  If
you have the possibility of using both, you should probably provide a
symlink from one to the other.  The startx script and the display
manager start-up scripts both use xrdb to load resources from one of
these files.  At least, xdm and gdm do; I'm not familiar with KDE, but
it *should* do this also.

However, while Steven's having added this to the startkde script may
fix his problem, I'll note that the startkde script does not use xrdb
to load resources on RH 7.1 or RH 7.2 either.  So while something is
clearly broken, I don't think that's the "correct" fix for it.

[The word "correct" is in quotes above because, as is usually the case
on Unix systems, there are many ways to achieve the desired result.
For an individual user, the correct one is usually the way that user
is most comfortable doing things.  Used above, it means something
like, "the way things are expected to work based on convention, or
documented to work; and/or the way the developers intended it to work,
as shipped by them.]

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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