So I finally got a windows 10 non GPL gnoga environment build and working
(at least so far).  However, in order to build gnoga I had to make some
changes to a couple of the GPR files or else the "make install" command
would fail horribly.

For some reason both tools.gpr and zbmcompile.gpr would fail to install at
all at first.  They are both unique in that instead of installing a
library, they install executables into /bin.  So I am assuming that is the
reason those two failed while the others installed fine.

The error in question was something like:

/some_path/gnoga_make does not exist (it was there, I checked to make sure)

I added a .exe extension to the parts that specified the executable name:


   package Builder is
      for Executable ("gnoga_make-main.adb") use "gnoga_make";
      for Executable ("gnoga_doc-main.adb") use "gnoga_doc";
   end Builder;



   package Builder is
      for Executable ("gnoga_make-main.adb") use "gnoga_make.exe";
      for Executable ("gnoga_doc-main.adb") use "gnoga_doc.exe";
   end Builder;



   package Builder is
      for Executable ("zbmcompile-main.adb") use "zbmcompile";
   end Builder;



   package Builder is
      for Executable ("zbmcompile-main.adb") use "zbmcompile.exe";
   end Builder;


I realize that this is a fix specific for FSF gnat compilation of gnoga on
windows for mingw64, but was curious if it was still reasonable to ask that
the library be updated with these changes or if that was just out of
scope.  Obviously someone would want to test on a linux distro to ensure
nothing gets broken.  I don't have one to test on.
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