On Sat, 2010-04-03 at 01:34 +0200, Piñeiro wrote:

> Ups, I also forgot that, due Easter holidays. There was any meeting
> today?

Heh. I'd forgotten about the Easter holidays. :-) And, no, there was no
meeting today.

> IMHO, it would be a good idea to keep that meetings. Not sure if we
> would have enough things to say, but no problem to have less than a
> hour meetings just to keep updated.
> Other issue is about the day and time. AFAIR, the current hour is not
> really very popular, due some problems on the poll.

That was the other thing I was wondering about.

I don't think we'll be able to find a single hour that will work for
everyone. And having a different hour each week strikes me as a likely
source of confusion. But, assuming the consensus is to continue having
weekly meetings, would it be possible to come up with a couple of times,
at least one of which works for each individual? If so, we could
alternate between them and the time would only suck, at most, every
other week. :-)


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