Hi Matthew,

I am not familiar with Python. But for C, if you have a costom cell renderer, you will need to implement its accessibility peer. Its base class will be GailRendererCellClass, GailTextCell would be a good example. And you need to register your accessibility class so that GAIL knows which is your class's GUI peer (gailfactory.c).


On 04/20/10 04:13 PM, Matthew McGowan wrote:

I am an amateur python developer who is helping out with the Ubuntu Software Center project. We have implemented some pseudo Buttons within a custom GenericCellRenderer. I would like to know (with the python atk bindings) if its possible to make these buttons accessible, i.e. visible to the likes of accerciser and orca?

I have looked over the atk python doc's and even looked at the gtk/gail sources in the hopes i could gleam the gist of the process. Alas i am none the wiser.

So perhaps someone knowledgeable could outline the basic steps to get this working.

We experimented at one point, and implemented the object and component aspects of atk, though they were rough stubs, but nothing appeared in accerciser. So i wonder what are the basic steps to reate an accessible custom widget?


I.e. I guess implement the atk.Object interface and atk.Component interfaces? Do i need to atk.Register a custom atk.Object? For me this is hard to understand from documentation.

What else am i missing?


Moreover, another custom widget we make use of, what we call the PathBar, is implemented using an HBox and child EventBoxes, so, generic gtk widgets. when in accerciser, and you Validate the widget, it comments on the fact that our widget is not actionable and lacks a text interface. Do i just need to implement these interfaces?

Any advice is much appreciated. I only really get python, but if you cant be bothered explaining, but know of some good source snippets, thats better than nothing. :)

Kindest Regards,
Matthew McGowan

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