Hi list,

        (Sorry for the previous mail, I fail with the send button)

        Firstly, congratulations with the great work on GNOME accessibility, is 
amazing the work done.

        Emergya is working on various projects in order to improve the 
accessibility on GNOME.

        Under the umbrella of e-accessibility project of Consorcio "Fernando de 
los Ríos", we have the chance to work in accessibility projects and improve the 
experience for for people with disabilities.
        We're working closely with CIDAT [1], which is providing us a lot of 
information about the real problems of people with disabilities.

        We expect to receive feedback from this community to get focus on real 
problems about accessibility on GNOME.

        Our objectives for this project are:
        * ORCA: Fix the most important bugs.
        * ORCA: saving and loading of user shortcut profiles.
        * ORCA: Integration with other text-to-speech engines like voxin.
        * OCRFeeder: Automatic adquisition from scanners into the application.
        * OCRFeeder: More support for differents OCR.
        * OCRFeeder: Improvement of import/export feature.
        * OCRFeeder: Prefiltering to improve the ocr columns detection.
        * OCRFeeder: Locution of recognized text.

        We're very excited to be working with the gnome-accessibility community 
and improve the GNOME accessibility, allowing access more people to free 
        Evenly, we wish the GNOME accesibility community feedback for the 
detection of the most significant improvements and fast integration into the 
GNOME infrastructure.

Best Regards,
Alejandro Leiva
Área de Proyectos

Emergya Consultoría
Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77
Fax: +34 954 51 64 73

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