>From the GNOME side, it will be up to the accessibility team and the board
to decide how much of our accessibility budget to spend on this.


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 7:17 AM, Og Maciel <ogmac...@gnome.org> wrote:

> Hi there!
> As a GNOME user who has a physical disability as well as deep interest
> in accessibility improvements for GNOME, I'd love to attend this event
> as an end-user. Is there any type of travel sponsorship from the USA
> available? It would have to cover the expenses of my wife to assist me
> during the trip as well.
> Cheers,
> --
> Og B. Maciel
> omac...@foresightlinux.org
> ogmac...@gnome.org
> ogmac...@ubuntu.com
> GPG Keys: D5CFC202
> http://www.ogmaciel.com (en_US)
> http://blog.ogmaciel.com (pt_BR)
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