On 12/04/17 18:57, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
> Le 12/04/2017 à 17:06, Cancrinus, Bas(AWF) a écrit :
>> Can anybody on the list please confirm whether AWT/Swing event
>> handling through the Java ATK Wrapper is currently supported by the
>> GNOME shell magnifier?
> Oh, I understand your confusion.

What confusion? Bas question was valid. Because as you are saying below ...

> You could find the code source that here :
> https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-shell/blob/master/js/ui/focusCaretTracker.js
> It doesn't consider AWT/Swing as different as Gedit for example.

GNOME  Shell focus tracking doesn't handle AWT/Swing events. GNOME Shell
focus tracking are based on listening at-spi2 events. So on the case of
Java, the ATK wrapper would need to forward any relevant Java
accessibility event in order to work with GNOME Shell.

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