On 14/1/19 14:46, Javier Hernandez wrote:
> Hey all,
> first, thanks API for rolling that Accerciser release. It's great to
> see it moving again.

I dropped the API nickname, too confusing :P Jokes apart, thanks for

> And yeah, sorry for my silence, but I rarely check the GNOME channels
> on my email, Juanjo pinged me on Telegram about this thread.
> As I already told to Alex and Samuel off-list a few months ago, I'd be
> really happy to get them involved so they can take over the
> maintenance of Accerciser. Nowadays, it's pretty hard for me to find
> the time to work on it, my spare time is very limited :/
> As I remember from those exchanges, the problem was that they didn't
> have a gnome git account and that I couldn't just give them control
> over it. I told them that the best way to go was to produce a few
> contributions first that we could use during an application process
> for a gnome account. In any case, I'm not sure if the process to get
> git access has changed in the past 3/4 years or if Samuel already got
> a gnome account (or not an account, but contributed patches to other
> GNOME projects). So from my side, nothing against having Samuel
> maintaining Accerciser as long as we can vouch for him for a gnome
> account.

Reading here:


the number of contributions needed are "reasonable amount of patches". I
think that adding Samuel ATK and Accerciser patches, he fulfills that
requisite. So I think that it would be good if Samuel request an account.

> Cheers,
> Javi
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 11:29 AM apinheiro <apinhe...@igalia.com
> <mailto:apinhe...@igalia.com>> wrote:
>     On 14/1/19 9:59, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
>     > Le 12/01/2019 à 11:01, apinheiro a écrit :
>     >> Hi,
>     >>
>     >> I have just rolled a new Accerciser release. It is basically all
>     >> included on master since the last release. You can see the
>     details on
>     >> the announcement I have just send.
>     >
>     > Thank you very much Alejandro for this.
>     You are welcome.
>     >
>     >> Ideally we would need the agreement of current maintainer. But
>     as far as
>     >> I understand your previous email, you didn't get any answer
>     from Javier.
>     >> Could you confirm that? If we don't get any answer from Javier, the
>     >> alternative is asking permission at
>     desktop-devel-l...@gnome.org <mailto:desktop-devel-l...@gnome.org> (or
>     >> perhaps at the foundation list).
>     >
>     > I've contacted Javier to make the Samuel patches about the iPython5
>     > support available, he has made the review.
>     >
>     > I really respect the Javier work on Accerciser and his
>     involvement on
>     > accessibility.
>     > I've contacted him privately the 2018-10-17 about Accerciser release
>     > without any answer from him. 
>     > I personally consider we shouldn't wait more because I shouldn't
>     have
>     > to request a new release to a maintainer after years. I assume he no
>     > longer has the time to work on Accerciser.
>     Ok, then let's reduce my proposed two-weeks to one week. For two
>     reasons. First, I always tend to be conservative on this things, and
>     after all this time, and with a fresh release, waiting just one more
>     week shouldn't be a big deal. Second, because I bet that on
>     desktop-devel they will ask how much we waited from our last ping.
>     >
>     > @Alejandro: Does Samuel need to have a sponsor to become a
>     maintainer ?
>     Well, not sure. This kind of maintainer reassignement without the
>     previous maintainer available are not usual, so I don't think that
>     there
>     are a fixed list of requirements. I would personally propose Samuel as
>     maintainer, and list all the reasons of why that is a good idea. I
>     hope
>     that's to be enough.
>     >
>     > Thanks in advance.
>     >
>     > Best regards,
>     > Alex.
>     >

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