Hi Samuel,

I would add.

In use cases:

User who can only move their head => Need to have head-tracking 

In examples:

Enable Viacam [1] needs mouse event injection to drive the pointer. 
Additionally although not yet used, input stealing is needed to detect whether 
the user is using the traditional mouse and disable the head-tracker (for 
instance, when someone is assisting the user).

Best, Cesar

[1] http://viacam.org

El 18/3/19 a las 18:16, Samuel Thibault escribió:

There have been some discussion about how input will be handled in
Wayland, which is important for the availability of accessibility
features.  Currently, a lot of them are implemented with event snooping
and synthesis, which is frowned upon for various reasons (open door
to key logging, efficiency, etc.), and thus it is currently not even
available on Wayland, so we need to rethink this.  One thing we need to
determine is the actual use case, since that's the eventual goal, and
from there we can discuss with Wayland and gtk people on how to achieve
them appropriately.

I started to collect what I could think of on


Could people have a look at tell what I have missed there?

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