
The update of mousetweaks to version 2.23.3 has been released and can
be downloaded from:

e587a27fedf1ef5a3f104a7a5acfde95  mousetweaks-2.23.3.tar.bz2
f9770701201105272f31b060e567c771  mousetweaks-2.23.3.tar.gz

    What is mousetweaks ?

    The mousetweaks package provides the functions offered by the
    Accessibility tab of the Mouse control panel. It also contains
    two panel applets related to the mouse accessibility. More

     1. It offers a way to perform the various clicks without using any
        hardware button. In this context, the Dwell Click panel applet
        can be used to choose what click type to perform.

     2. It allows users to perform a secondary click by doing a
        of the primary mousebutton.

     3. It provides the Pointer Capture panel applet. This applet creates
        an area on the panel into which the pointer can be captured until
        the user releases it with a predefined button and modifier

What is new ?

     New features:

        * Add dwellable On/Off button to dwell applet
        * Show warning if gnome-mouse-properties cannot launch

     Misc improvements/fixes:

        * Check on start-up if daemon is already running
        * Code cleanup
        * Add more command-line options
        * Fix typos in command-line options
        * Fix ref counting bug in dwell applet glade file
        * Fix minor HIG issue in dwell applet

     New and updated translations:

        - [ar] Djihed Afifi
        - [es] Jorge Gonzalez
        - [gl] Ignacio Casal Quinteiro
        - [or] Subhransu Behera

Best regards,

Francesco Fumanti
gnome-announce-list mailing list

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