Hi Mario,

2009/11/2 Mario Blättermann <mari...@gnome.org>:
> Yes, it helps really:-)

Happy it helped!

> New license.page is attached.
> Another question: I get the topics in index.page in a wrong sort order.
> Like this:
> Customization
> Introduction
> License
> Playing GNOME Tetravex
> But I want to have:
> Introduction
> Playing GNOME Tetravex
> Customization
> License
> How I can get this?

For how I undertand things (actually I can't remember if I asked Shaun
about this...), the sorting of that page is based on the titles of the
linked pages. So that's going to be a little bit hard to adjust the
sorting as long as you don't change the words you use.
What you can do instead, is "thinking" a little bit different the
layout of your help. Thinking a little bit more topic-based.

I'm attaching a simple 2-minutes hack based on what you have done.
Take a look at it and see if it can work for you. It can be adjusted
and probably expanded too.


Milo Casagrande <m...@casagrande.name>

Attachment: tetravex_mallard.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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