
2010/1/27 Shaun McCance <sha...@gnome.org>:
> On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 13:07 +0000, Calum Benson wrote:
>> IMHO, this might only be useful (as opposed to just looking pretty)
>> if the correctly-themed application icon is used, otherwise that
>> 'visual hint' is potentially meaningless and confusing.  E.g. nearly
>> all the application icons in the High Contrast theme are (or are
>> supposed to be) quite different from the gnome/tango/hicolor versions.
> We've discussed before having a way to include a themed
> icon in a Mallard document.  This is useful in a lot of
> other places.  In fact, I think it's even more important
> for instructions like "Click the [*] icon."  If [*] looks
> like {^} in HighContrast, that could be really confusing.
> Maybe an icon: URI scheme would be a good way to do it.
> <media href="icon:gbrainy" width="48"/>

Calum raised a pretty interesting problem, and something that me too
would like to see in Mallard, something that downstreams would really
Shaun, what is the possibility to have something like that in the
2.30? Or better aim for the 3.0?


Milo Casagrande <mi...@gnome.org>
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