2010/5/2 Harold Schreckengost <mew...@gmail.com>:
> In the IRC channel, we got on the topic of a "getting started" section for
> applications.  I can't remember who it was, but one person suggested that
> was a good idea for larger applications, but for smaller applications (like
> Empathy) it made more sense to just add to the introduction page links that
> point to the first things someone will do (in this case, adding accounts,
> migrating from other messengers, and signing up for new accounts).  This
> idea made sense to me, so I went ahead and wrote the patch.

With that in mind, the introduction topic in Empathy probably doesn't
even make sense, and a "Getting started" would make more sense.

If we have the assistant at the first run (and we have it), and we
don't show the introduction there, we shouldn't probably show it in
the actual help: people who will reach that point should know what
Empathy is for, and probably would like to see a quick start guide.

> If this is a bad idea, I understand, although I feel that it makes sense,
> especially with something like Empathy where there are common tasks someone
> will undertake at the beginning.

It is not a bad idea, although I think that a "getting started"
paragraph in a "introduction" section is out of place. We can use
"seealso" links, and that would make more sense to me.

> For the F-Spot help, I am intending to have a "Getting Started" section,
> including, but not limited to, importing files, browsing files, etc.  If
> this is a bad idea, let me know, and I will move on without it.

A little bit off-topic here: can you please use this wiki page:

and list yourself in the table, so that we can keep track of who is
working on what (at least under the GNOME Doc umbrella). Thanks.


Milo Casagrande <mi...@gnome.org>
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