O/H Sven Neumann έγραψε:

dooteo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Now that Gimp 2.2.11 is released, I downloaded it's source and i'm
surprised when it has more than 900 messages in fuzzy stage in eu.po
file (when on HEAD branch it has about 110 fuzzy messages) ?

Can someone explain it, or i'm fooling my mind?

GIMP 2.2 releases are created from the gimp-2-2 branch. The HEAD
branch isn't string-frozen yet. It is up to you to decide whether it
makes sense to work in the HEAD branch already.
And the eu.po file for "gimp" and branch "gimp-2-2" was last touched in early 2004 (by reading the PO file; there are no GIMP CVS commit logs for early 2004)

From http://www.gimp.org/ it shows that "GIMP 2.3.8 is the latest development snapshot on the road to version 2.4 of the *GNU Image Manipulation Program*." That's a strong hint that GIMP 2.4 (stable) is coming out soon. Dooteo, you can try to apply the HEAD version of your PO files to the gimp-2-2 branch POT file to estimate how much work it is. Then you can make the decision whether to work on GIMP 2.2 or simply focus on GIMP 2.4


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