On 23/04/2006, at 8:59 AM, Michael J Knox wrote:

My name is Michael Knox, I live in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Hello Michael!

<waves across the Tasman Sea (and some land)>

I am a Fedora Core user and support, plus a contributer to Fedora Extras.


I came across an old translation effort for the Maori language on Gnome. I have emailed around my LUGs and have found little or no interest in continuing the effort.

So my question is, how do I get started? Have this doc:


How do I submit changes? Any advise on starting out?

Firstly, welcome to the Gnome Translation Project!

Please see our wiki page [1], which is more up-to-date than some of the website pages.

On that page, you can see several Howtos, and the list of translation teams.

Please contact the current co-ordinator for the Maori team (John Barstow). If he is still active, he will tell you how you can best help in that translation effort.

If he is, for some reason, unable to continue, and you are happy to become the new team leader, please ask John to email this list and advise that he is handing over to you.

Please read the Howtos, as they give you a lot of the Getting Started info you will need.

After you've done that, you're welcome to ask further questions here. :)

The GTP wiki page also gives you links to the current status pages, where you can see the progress of the Maori team. You could also start looking at some of the files, to see what state they're in, what vocabulary is being used etc. Please also register with Gnome Bugzilla.

You might also want to look at the Translate WIki [2], especially the Localization Guide, which contains a lot of general information on the translation process, comparisons of editors and other tools, and some useful tips. :)

And again, Haere mai! (Welcome)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

[1] http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject#preview

[2] http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/

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