On Thursday 31 August 2006 17:28, you wrote:
> hi Christian, Youssef,
> 1) Christian, here is a batch of contributions to Gnome arabic translation.
> http://djihed.com/ar.tar.gz
> The file CREDITS contains info about who did what.
> I'm aware that there are still a few fuzzy strings, and probably a few
> unmerged new strings, those will be taken care of accordingly.
> Youssef Chahibi is aware of this contribution, he asked me to do that.
> 2) After an agreement with Youssef Chahibi, we concluded that we need
> to transfer maintainship to myself as he is too stretched out (and
> still doing a heck of a job).
> Myself: this is the real name. djihed.com/about has some info.
> Please don't hesitate to ask if needed. I've read the gnome wiki about
> requesting CVS accounts and asking for maintainship etc. Youssef
> should be replying to this email. The team is still under
> arabeyes.org.
> Djihed
I confirm our need to transfer maintainership to Djihed, and to still be a 
part of the team. Afifi has made most work (see CREDITS), is very 
hard-working and committed. I suggested to maintain Gnome first because there 
was nobody to do, and Afifi suggested to recontinue Gnome when he joined. 
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