On 29/11/2006, at 4:49 PM, Josep Puigdemont wrote:

El dc 27 de 09 del 2006 a les 16:10 +0930, en/na Clytie Siddall va
On 27/09/2006, at 6:50 AM, Young Joo Pintaske wrote:

I think I might have lost some part of this email thread, but couldn't
locate them in the archive.

I saw the Gnome Glossary website:

and noticed an old colleague of mine who used to work in our group as
the contact person.

I'm not sure how this project originated back then. I'd like to
pass on
the glossary tool that we use at Sun Globalization:

It requires user account which you can get immediately. You can find
terms (English and translated into about 9-10 languages) for Gnome
and export glossary for your language into a spreadsheet. I'd be happy
to get your feedback on them and find a way to collaborate to
refine the

Young Joo, at Wordforge (Pootle, Translate Toolkit etc.), we are
currently working on expanding the Gnome glossary, refining both a
1000 word and a much larger terminology file, plus an acronym file.
It will be integrated into the Pootle interface, but will also be
available from a translation memory server, and for download.

So the glossary will be used as a translation memory, then?

It's important for us to know, in part because there are some verbs to
translate and if this file is just a reference or a glossary, then we'd
translate them as infinitives (i.e. "to open" instead of "open"),
otherwise (ie. if it is a translation memory) we'd keep the imperative
form as in English.

Definitely as translation-memory. So we do give priority to the form most likely to be used in localization tasks (usually not the infinitive, as you say).

The Wordforge end of this glossary project is progressing only in occasional leaps, when Youssef Chahibi or I find enough time to work on it. But we will get there... ;)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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