Le samedi 18 août 2007 à 15:15 +0200, Yannig MARCHEGAY a écrit :
> Hello everybody,
> I'd like to batch-correct the unbreakable spaces that are laking in my
> translations. For that, the best would be to batch-search-replace in
> the po files in a text editor. Could you please tell me the symbol for
> an unbreakable space for a po file in a text editor? 
You can do that in vim :

:%s/x x/x x/g

:%s -> tell vim to search and replace on entire file
/x x/ (first occurence) -> pattern to search for
/x x/ (second occurrence) -> text that will replace the searched text
      Here, the non-breaking space is generated by Ctrl-K + NS
/g  -> tell vim to replace all occurrences

I'm still looking for a trick to make vim display the non-breaking space
in another color... Someone ?


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