
Flavia claimed her translations this morning (Jan 08, 2009) but the
webpage reports Dec 30, 2008.

A similar issue occurred to me working on alarcate. As you can see
here[1] the last action (committed) is dated "2009-01-06 14:09", but the
state label on top reports "2009-01-01 10:37 p.m."

About this topic, may I also propose two enhancements?
      * add the ability to localize dates/times and/or allow them to be
        user configurable. If you access to page [1] using "en" as
        browser language, you have: "state" date using English (WW DD MM
        YY HH:MM AM/PM) format; POT file update date using UTC, actions
        dates using local times. IMHO those dates/times should all use
        the same format, specified in damned-lies PO or chosen by single
      * add the ability to sort summaries (users and releases) by dates.
        Example: go to Italian summary for GNOME 2.26 release[2] (note
        by now we are just experimenting/testing with new l10n.g.o, only
        few modules have a state). Modules are listed in alphabetical
        order. From a coordinator point of view, could be good sort them
        by state->date, in order to check and poke people that claimed a
        translation for a long time and never uploaded it.

Cheers, Luca.

[1] http://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/367/345/82
[2] http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/it/gnome-2-26/ui/

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