2009/3/15 Frederic Peters <fpet...@gnome.org>:
> Kenneth Nielsen wrote:
>> I just need to add the po-file rigth? You have a script or something
>> to put it in the page I assume. How often does it run?
> It is run whenever there is a commit, but it can take a little time to
> create new pages.

I'm wondering. I commited the Danish translation 8 hours ago now and
they are still not showing. Danish is listed in the main page, but
when I try to access that page I get a:

The requested URL /misc/release-notes/2.26/index.html.da was not found
on this server

Is something wrong or do I just need to be more patient.

Regards Kenneth Nielsen

PS: They also show up on DL
gnome-i18n mailing list

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