
I have filed a bug, I feel that it will be good to improve our translation 
experience and native users' usability:


There is a great need to 
provide facility in .po file to lock the strings for further editing. It is 
always very difficult for a coordinator or commmitter of any project to track 
change of all the translation again. So there should always be a facility so 
that a coordinator or a community can lock the strings so that file can be 
translated/editable only for new or fuzzy strings. 

The benefit of this facility is great. Assume, if one community 
thinks that present translation of 'gedit' is fine for their locale, the 
community can lock all the strings or some strings where they are 
having consensus that these are fine. In this process the usability will be 
increased much and review will become very easier. 

Rajesh Ranjan
gnome-i18n mailing list

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