Hi Lawrence,

Le 27. 06. 16 à 23:07, Lawrence Aberba a écrit :
> I want to start translating gnome but the process is too complicated and
> tedious unlike how i find launchpad for Ubuntu and stuff.

The process is a bit more complicated as you have to learn how to
translate a po file. However, you can use dedicated software for that
and it's not so difficult to grasp. And we are there to help :-)

> > First I have to file a bug but no category for translation is indicated.
> I just want to fine apps and translate into Akan language with ISO code
> "aka" and English name "Akan".

As a first step, could you pick a (possibly small) package on
https://l10n.gnome.org/languages/C/gnome-3-22/ui/, download the po file
for the package and send the translated file back to me?

I'll then do the necessary steps to setup a team page for Akan.

Happy translating!

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