
At this moment we are finishing translations for gnome 3.22 (master, development). At the same time we are looking at the last stable version 3.20 to see if there are still unfinished translations.

I have a question about gnome-software.

this is gnome-software >> master >> Dutch
I have the finished translation on my pc, gnome-software-master.nl.po (I think it was 3.20 then). In the header of these 2 files I see "Project-Id-Version: gnome-software gnome-3-16\n".
Why gnome-3-16, if it actually is 3.20 and 3.22?
Now I am not sure what is best: merge the 2 files with msgmerge or upload the finished translation on my pc to https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/1608/903/94.

As for the branch names, I have the following question:
On https://l10n.gnome.org/languages/nl/gnome-3-22/ui/, under the header Branch I see either master or gnome-3-22. For brasero master the location is https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/brasero/master/po/nl. When, under Used in release(s), I click on GNOME 3.22 (development) it links to https://l10n.gnome.org/languages/nl/gnome-3-22/ui/. Is my conclusion right in saying that, at this moment, ..../master/po/nl and ..../gnome-3-22/po/nl are the same? And when I see gnome-3-22 it means that the master branch has not yet been created (see orca)?

Gnome Dutch translators

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