Le 21. 03. 17 à 16:23, Danylo Korostil a écrit :

> I used to have few commands to handle my workflow,approximately I
> update 100 modules during string freeze period. Some of them is really
> small (update few strings), so, git pull&&intltool-update&&gedit&&git
> commit&&git push was really fast. 

Note that you should be able to keep your workflow and replace
"intltool-update" by "wget -O po/language.po
It is more verbose, but you could make some alias. Unfortunately, it
would be a bit more complicated to replace the merge functionaliy of
intltool-update (in the case you already modified your po file).

As the one who have to adapt DL code for various po creation/update
methods, I also agree having a common method would be simpler.

However, the "intltool to pure gettext" current transition is probably
unavoidable, as intltool is mostly unmaintained these days and gettext
made real progress wrt extracting strings from various formats.

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