Le 15. 09. 17 à 19:10, Paolo Bacchilega a écrit :
Il 15/09/2017 10:36, Claude Paroz ha scritto:
Le 11. 09. 17 à 19:35, Paolo Bacchilega via gnome-i18n a écrit :

the gthumb module is in feature/ui/string freeze mode now, please update the translations.  The final release is expected in three/four weeks.

Hi Paolo,

You have a typo in an appdata string: trasformations -> transformations.

Are you sure you are translating the latest version? because in the master branch it's already "transformations":


I was indeed translating in the gnome-3-4 branch, which is listed in stable branches on

You didn't specify in your initial mail the target was now master.
Please in the future, as soon as you don't plan any more releases on a stable branch, inform us so that we can update its status.

Thanks for this great app!

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