Hello dear translators! I send you this mail to inform you that you
should see 4 “new” strings in dconf-editor. The story is that I’m
keeping a list of capitalized and non capitalized names of the various
types a simple gsettings/dconf value can have, but things were not
working correctly for types names starting with “D-Bus” in English, as
both capitalized and non-capitalized names were identical and so mixed
by gettext (that has been reported by Marek Černocký). It took me two
tries to get it right, but I think it’s correctly fixed now.

Also, I’ve done a bit of code moving in gnome-2048, so if you want to
have correct pointers to the code, you should refresh your potfiles.
But no change of strings there.


Arnaud Bonatti
courriel : arnaud.bona...@gmail.com
gnome-i18n mailing list

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