
Damned Lies:
This is not translation, it's more or less unnecessary changing already
translated translation.

What a hell is "spremišta" Repository is Repository, on Croatian
Do you understand concept of Linux repositories?

master branch - It's not grana, It's "glavni ogranak", like GIT main branch
mailing list "pretplatnička lista" is it's a literal translation which
nobody uses it, it's simple "mailing lista"

Damned Lies is Damned Lies, literal translation like "Proklete laži" I
think is sounds stupid on Croatian, so it's better to stay Damned Lies
because it's the name of Gnome translation system.

Like Damned Lies, it's more or less unnecessary changing already translated
msgid "About" msgstr "O"  It's better msgstr "Informacije"

msgid "Install GNOME Shell integration browser extension"
msgstr "Instaliraj Integraciju GNOME proširenja s preglednikom"
It's more accurate
msgstr "Kliknite ovdje za instaliranje proširenja preglednika"

As I see this is tool for compiling source packages-
Update - Aktualizacija - It' nadopuna
try to force checkout and autogen on failure  --- checkout - Is this
"ovjera" I think it's provjera, ovjer is "authentication"

"List the modules that would be built"
"Izradi popis modula koji će biti izgrađeni"

This is command option descriptons
It's meaning is to show command option descriptons in terminal/shell output
"Prikaz popisa modula koji će biti izgrađeni"

configuration - Konfiguracija ->  podešavanje

"log file location"
"mjesto log datoteke"  ->  "Lokacija datoteke zapisa"



Error on start:
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Početna" -> Naslovnica "Naslovna stranica"

Applications - programi -> aplikacije
kod -> kôd

msgid "Utilities"
msgstr "Uslužni programi"  -> "Pomagala"

msgid "Core"
msgstr "Srž"   this is 100% is not "Srž" it is 1000% "jezgra"


"GdkPixbuf is a library for image loading and manipulation. The GdkPixbuf "
"documentation contains both the programmer's guide and the API reference."

library - knjižnica - It's "biblioteka"

msgid "Powerful and feature complete XML handling library."
msgstr "Moćna i puna funkcija, biblioteka za rukovanje XML-om."
I  think it's better:
msgstr "Moćna i bogata funkcijama, biblioteka za rukovanje XML-om."

daemon - daemon -> pozadinski program


This is also more or less unnecessary changing already translated

I chcecked your translations in Extra GNOME Applications and:

I sent you list in txt file with some general words/terms (wich you didn't
complied/respect) that are used in GNOME environment (GNOME GUI, Gnome
library, GNOME settings..) and other GTK environment (like Cinnamon,
Elementary and many other).
It must be uniformed because reasons above and if those word/terms are
translated into 2, 3, 4 different word/terms acrros GNOME and other GTK
environments it's confusing for the users so they have difficulties in
using GNOME and other GTK environments.

I'm using Linux over 15 years.
When I start translating linux packages/apps because reasons above (errors
that I made at beginning), it took me 5 years to become commiter/reviewer
in Ubuntu.

I accept your translation to GIMP because GIMP is crossplatform apps,
although translation errors mentioned above.

You make too many translation errors, and I think the reason is that you
are not a (experienced) Linux user and you are not to good familiar with
the GNOME environment.
When you contacted me you said that you even were not using any Linux
distribution but that you are a Mac OS user.

If you do not use Linux I do not see the point for translating it.
Since you are not a Linux user, if you want to contribute to translation,
you have many other translation systems like transifex, crowdin and many
others, there you can translate many apps you are using in Mac OS.

pet, 13. ruj 2019. u 10:09 Daniel Mustieles García via gnome-i18n <> napisao je:

> El vie., 13 sept. 2019 a las 9:44, Alexandre Franke (<>)
> escribió:
>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 8:37 AM Daniel Mustieles García via gnome-i18n
>> <> wrote:
>> > Images can be committed directly to the repo using command line ;-)
>> >
>> > MR will probably got rejected since maintainers do not take care of
>> translations directly. That task belong to us.
>> Right. But we’re trying to move away from translators and coordinators
>> needing direct git access and an MR was the correct thing to do in
>> this case. We should educate the maintainers about that and the
>> language coordinator should be pinged to review these MR.
> Sure. I wondered if we could grant him *commiter* role in DL since the
> coordinator seems to be missing (I pinged him in another thread and still
> have no answer). MiloType has a lot of translations awating approval, not
> only release-notes one.
>> Christian, do you have a link to that MR please so we can explain the
>> situation with our i18n hat on?
>> --
>> Alexandre Franke
>> GNOME Hacker
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