Hi translators!

We are releasing GEGL 0.4.34 and GIMP 2.10.30 a bit unexpectedly in the
coming days (possibly on Sunday at the fastest). This is for security

This is for the stable branch, hence the `gimp-2-10` branch.

We might also release a dev version (GIMP 2.99.10, so the `master` branch)
before the end of the year. Actually we were initially planning to do it
for Christmas (and not release a stable version at all this month). But
with the sudden release of 2.10.30, it is now unsure if we will follow
through with the 2.99.10 release plan so soon after. In any case, it's not
as much a priority (yet we welcome updates there too if you have any time).
We'll see.

Thanks to everyone, and have a very nice end of year, happy holidays and
all that! 🎄

GIMP team

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