Hi, Pierre,

I created the directory schema and a bunch of sub-directories and
keys. I have successfully deleted all the keys but no luck in deleting
the directories.

As I have shown in my previous mail, I can not find the directories. I
have also considered the possibility that the directory may be
recorded inside a .xml file. Unfortunately, "sudo find / -name *.xml
-exec grep /schema/ {} \;" outputs nothing.

Thank you for your time, anyway.

Best Regards,

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Pierre Kleiber <pkleiber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If I'm interpreting your first message correctly, it seems like one of those
> directories named "schema" must be the one that you mistakenly created.
> After you created it, did you put anything into it?... If not, and if one is
> empty, then that should be the one you want to delete.
> If you knew what ought to correctly be in "schemas", then the "schema"
> directory with that stuff in it should be the one to delete. Unfortunately I
> know nothing about what that stuff should be. So I'm afraid I can't be of
> more help.
> Cheers, Pierre
> Auguste Pop offered the following remark on 10/30/10 23:31...
>> Hi, Pierre,
>> I have already tried "sudo find / -name schema", but could not find
>> the directory I am looking for. What should I search instead?
>> For your reference, "sudo find / -name schema" find 3 directories, namely
>> /usr/share/GConf/schema
>> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/_xmlplus/schema
>> /usr/lib/go-openoffice/basis3.2/share/registry/schema
>> Despite the promising name of the first directory, it contains only
>> one file: evoldap.schema
>> Best Regards,
>> On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Pierre Kleiber<pkleiber...@gmail.com>
>>  wrote:
>>> Two utilities that help you find things are locate and find
>>> Read about them by doing "man find" or "man locate"
>>> Cheers
>>> Auguste Pop offered the following remark on 10/30/10 01:06...
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Thank you for your reply. I guess deleting the directory would be OK
>>>> as long as I know where the directory is. I mistyped /schemas/... into
>>>> /schema/.... And I can not find it in my ~/.gconf directory, and
>>>> neither in /root/.gconf. Where should I look now?
>>>> Thank you for your kind attention.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 12:24 AM, Steven<steven.youn...@gmail.com>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Hi, ive never used gconf but can't you just use rm?
>>>>> (sudo rm -r /path/to/directory)
>>>>> On Fri, 2010-10-29 at 14:18 +0800, Auguste Pop wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I created a wrong directory for my own application in gconf by a typo.
>>>>>> When I try to remove it by gconf_engine_remove_dir, I got the GError
>>>>>> stating: "Failed: Remove directory operation is no longer supported,
>>>>>> just remove all the values in the directory."
>>>>>> Should I reinstall the whole system to get rid of the directory?
>>>>>> Living with it is simply not an option  for me. Any suggestions?
>>>>>> Best Regards,
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>>> --
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Pierre Kleiber, Ph.D                  Email: pierre.klei...@noaa.gov
>>> Pacific Island Fisheries Science Center        Tel. wk: 808 983-5399
>>> NOAA Fisheries                                      hm: 808 737-7544
>>> 2570 Dole St., Honolulu, HI 96822-2396
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> "♫ It's a long long way from Amphioxus, but we all come from there ♫"
>>>                                       --- Philip H. Pope
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pierre Kleiber, Ph.D                  Email: pierre.klei...@noaa.gov
> Pacific Island Fisheries Science Center        Tel. wk: 808 983-5399
> NOAA Fisheries                                      hm: 808 737-7544
> 2570 Dole St., Honolulu, HI 96822-2396
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> "♫ It's a long long way from Amphioxus, but we all come from there ♫"
>                                       --- Philip H. Pope
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