Hello there!


During the last few days, I have had an urge to look up possible alternatives to my current workflows and operating systems to be set up on my various maschines – and also my phone and tablet. That way, I came across Purism and their Librem 5, 13 and 15, as well as PureOS. That one uses GNOME3 and since Ubuntu 18.04 LTS uses GNOME 3 too, I looked around in the settings and was surprised to…find only very little.


In my normal workflow, I use screen magnification to magnify the whole screen (ctrl+alt+mouse wheel on Windows and ctrl+mouse wheel on macOS and three-finger tap on iOS) and color inversion to make otherwise black text on white background be more readable to me (altgr+i on Windows and custom keybind on macOS, triple side-button press on iOS upon configuring so in settings).


In GNOME 3, I could only find options to zoom in and out using the keyboard – but no color inversion, let alone using the mouse wheel was to be found… Is this feature yet to come? I really appreciate that color inversion and mouse tracking are already implemented – just not accessible through a Keyboard shotcut just yet.


Looking Forward to hearing more about this soon :).


Kind regards,




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