On 4/4/21 1:58 PM, Volker Wysk wrote:
Am Sonntag, den 04.04.2021, 12:23 -0400 schrieb ken:
Looking at and following the Desktop User Guide, I was trying to create a
new theme (and do a few other things explained there).  I already have and
have been using the tweak tool quite a bit, but what is explained in that
userguide does not correspond at all to the what's in the tweak tool...
iow, it doesn't seem to be the same app, the Preference Tool, mentioned in
the userguide.
The copyright (second page) is of 2003-2005. Is Gnome really this old ...?
If so, that Desktop User Guide is completely outdated.


Thanks for tracking that down for me.  It could explain difficulties I've been having.

Could that be the reason I can't create a custom theme...? is that capability no longer available?  Also, has the capability to create "drawyers" also gone?

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