mkdir ./html
cd ./html && gtkdoc-mkhtml gio ../gio-docs.xml
../xml/gfileattribute.xml:264: parser error : Opening and ending tag
mismatch: invalid line 262 and simpara
../xml/gfileattribute.xml:264: parser error : Opening and ending tag
mismatch: simpara line 262 and listitem
../xml/gfileattribute.xml:264: parser error : Opening and ending tag
mismatch: listitem line 262 and varlistentry
../xml/gfileattribute.xml:265: parser error : Opening and ending tag
mismatch: varlistentry line 262 and variablelist
../xml/gfileattribute.xml:265: parser error : Opening and ending tag
mismatch: variablelist line 258 and refsect2
../xml/gfileattribute.xml:607: parser error : Opening and ending tag
mismatch: refsect2 line 250 and refsect1
../xml/gfileattribute.xml:612: parser error : Opening and ending tag
mismatch: refsect1 line 95 and refentry
../xml/gfileattribute.xml:613: parser error : Premature end of data in
tag refentry line 6

../gio-docs.xml:20: element include: XInclude error : could not
load ../xml/gfileattribute.xml, and no fallback was found
Computing chunks...
ID recommended on part: GIO Overview
Writing pt01.html for part
ID recommended on part: API Reference
Writing GFile.html for refentry(GFile)
Element include in namespace ''
encountered in chapter, but no template matches.

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